Operation Retaliation: Q&A with Rookie

I caught up with Rookie after he lost his propellor cap today, I asked him a few questions! MJ: What happened to your hat? ROOKIE: Well, I was gonna turn it on and fly up, but it flew off my head and now I lost it! MJ: Are you still able to speak crab? ROOKIE: Click! Clickty click click! (Yes, I have speaken to Klutzy!) MJ: Are you gonna help us through the rest of the Operation? ROOKIE: It seems like you guys need a highly trained agent to help you all, so its probably best I stay to assist you all! Rookie is a very silly guy! Im glad I got to catch up with him, he even told me some jokes! Did you enjoy this interview? Remember! Leave question suggestions in the comments! Waddle On, - ClubMinePenguin Team