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Server IP:
Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.2 - 1.20.4
What is ClubMinePenguin?ClubMinePenguin is a Minecraft server based off of Disney's Club Penguin! We offer many fun activities and things to do. Head to the ABOUT page on this website to learn more about us!
How can I play?You can connect and play with the following steps: 1.) Open up Minecraft Java Edition and launch on 1.20.2 - 1.20.4. 2.) Once you've launched the game click on "Multiplayer" 3.) Click "Add Server" 4.) For the Server Name, put ClubMinePenguin 5.) For the Server Address, put 6.) Make sure Server Resource Packs are set to Enabled 7.) Click "Done" 8.) Once you've done everything you should see CMP in your server list 9.) Click on ClubMinePenguin and select "Join Server"
How can I become apart of the staff team?To apply follow the following steps: 1.) Click on the Applications button on this website 2.) Read through the different roles, and click the "Apply Now" button on the top right 3.) Read through the information to ensure you have a full understanding of your position and the staff team in general 6.) Fill out and submit the form 7.) If you are accepted, you will get a message from one of our administrators through Discord
How do you become a member?The Member and Deluxe Member rank is a donator rank. You can buy a membership by clicking the "Store" button on the wesbite hotbar and then navigate to the "Ranks" tab.
Do you need to be a member to do most things?No, we make all core features membership free! We believe you shouldn't have to "pay to play". Membership gives you a lot of extra additonal perks, which enhances experience, although you do not need a membership to do everything.
What is the Influencer role?The Influencer role is for content creators who showcase CMP in some form. We like to shout out and honor those who make content about us! To apply for the Influencer role, head to the Applications page.
When the server is in maintenance, I can't join but others can?"When the server is in maintenance, this means we are working on a major thing behind the scenes. The server is restricted to staff only during these times.
Is ClubMinePenguin Disney?No. We are in no way affiliated with the actual Club Penguin or Disney. This is just made for entertainment and learning purposes. All in-game assets are made by hand.
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