Operation Retaliation: Mascot Meetup Times (1)
CLASSIFIED - For EPF eyes only! The EPF is sending one of its best and brightest agents to help out with Operation Retaliation, Jetpack Guy! With him he is bringing Aunt Arctic and Dot to fill in on some days! Jetpack Guy, Aunt Arctic and Dot are very excited to here that they would be able to visit and help the penguins through this time on the island! They also got some word on dates Herbert may be visiting!?!? DAY DATE TIME MASCOT Sunday Feb. 12th 12:00 PM Herbert Sunday Feb. 12th 3:30 PM Dot Monday Feb. 13th 4:45 PM Aunt Arctic Tuesday Feb. 14th 3:00 PM JetPack Guy Wednesday Feb. 15th 4:45 PM Dot REMEMBER! The times above are in PST! Waddle On, - ClubMinePenguin Team