ClubMinePenguin's 8th Anniversary

Hey penguins,
Happy 8th Birthday ClubMinePenguin! That is right, we are celebrating our 8th birthday!
Can you believe it? It has been 8 years since ClubMinePenguin first launched.
We are so excited to celebrate this occasion with you and here are some things you can expect to see on the island!
Island Decor!
A huge cake (like really big) in the Coffee Shop along with the 4th Anniversary Hat!
The Alumni Jacket (joined before April 2020? Fill out this form if you haven't done so already, so it will reflect how many years you have been here)
Showcase of some cool stuff in the Snow Forts!
Our annual color vote starting on the 24th of July
Pengtastic! Our nighttime spectacular, which will play every day at 3:30 PM and 7:30 PM (Penguin Standard Time) starting Monday the 22nd!
The Time Trekker—return to old ClubMinePenguin!
A new hidden pin; see Tourdude for a hint
Maybe one or two new features
And finally, other events & mascots, which will be announced on our discord!
