Operation Retaliation: Q&A with Dot

Dot has been sneaking around the island and finding us new information about Herbert, she also has been giving me some great fashion tips! Here is my interview with her! MJ: What have you seen sneaking around the island? DOT: When I made my may into the Ski Village area I didn't see much, I noticed a new building in the area and that Herbert was entering the Everyday Phoning Facility! Gary will eventually bring all the agents there and we will explore! MJ: What are your tips for best safety? DOT: My tips are to listen to Gary and follow instructions, If you are able to do that I believe you will be safe! MJ: What do you think Herbert is up too? DOT: He is most likely up to the same thing he is always trying to do, which is trying to takeover the Elite Penguin Force and create his own paradise! Dot was amazing to hang out with! She also told me that for this operation you wanna be dressed in clothing, preferably clothing that wont make you burn in fire or lava! Did you enjoy this interview? Remember! Leave question suggestions in the comments! Waddle On, - ClubMinePenguin Team