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Operation Retaliation: Q&A with Aunt Arctic

Aunt Arctic has been reporting alot about the Operation so far, I have decided to catch up with her and find out her thoughts on the current issues! MJ: What is your part in the current Operation? AA: Well from the beginning, I was reporting what has happened on CMP news! I want the penguins to know whats going on so they are not scared or frightened! When the meteor was close and hit I was able to cover the story and help Gary out a bit! MJ: Are you the Director? AA: The Director? I dont think I have heard of him! MJ: Will you be here through out the whole Operation? AA: Yes, I will be here to continue covering new news about the Operation and help out Gary and the community as much as I can! Aunt Arctic is so kind! I am glad I was able to catch up with her! Did you enjoy this interview? Remember! Leave question suggestions in the comments! Waddle On, - ClubMinePenguin Team

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